David’s Memoir’s – Part 1

David's Memoirs

Good morning /day/evening, thank you for visiting my site, to order any books seen please contact the author.

David’s new book Mitcham Memoirs Part one is his own growing up year and he because of this decided to write his life from the age of ) to when he met his lovely wife to be in 1966 and continued to 1972 where his beautiful book ends for Book One.

In these pages one reads of his exploits and about the county he grew up in. David loved his growing up years; he remembers he remembers when he suffered meningitis all written in this lovely book.

David is selling the soft cop for £10.95 and the hard copy for £14.95. He has said he is paying the post in the uk, but he must charge for services abroad but if you contact him, he may be able to help with this. His books are printed by the Watford team, and he is proud to have them aboard, they are known as Mixham Ltd.

He has the help of special printed stationary by dynamic print of Norwich, to keep his computer up to date is Black dog Computers and the website by Josh.biz. So David has come far since 2018, has a new proof-reader Mr P Tritton of loose Kent. David is revamping Mission 115 while ordering  his Mitcham books. If you’re interested in this book, please contact David.

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